Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Over 3 months, wow, I'm a slacker!

So, it's been a while. How are things going you may ask? Well...

Since my last blog post I've started working with a new company, had to restart my weight loss goals/motivation, and I've become a mommy to a puppy!

New company, new career, new outlook! I left ABC Insurance Company in the middle of August shortly before my 27th birthday, my contract was up for renewal and after a not so pleasant few months of nonsense, I decided it was time to leave. I'm now working for an amazing local technology company where I can feel like myself and work hard without being taken for granted. I left a lot of great friends behind at ABC, but I'm finding some fun new ones here.

The pounds crept back after leaving ABC as I didn't have access to a free gym and I lost my workout buddy, I also gained a full lunch hour and found myself tempted by all of the new treats around my new office. So, I gained 15 pounds back and I am FIRED UP to get it all off by my original goal, December 2012. So, 100 lbs to go! I started using a food tracker and exercise tracker. I've also started jogging again as I would love to do my first 5k next year with my future sister in law, Leslie!

And, I'm a puppy mommy! My best college girlfriend, Chelsie, has a wonderful APBT named Zoria who gave birth to one little girl puppy who we claimed as ours when she was 3 days old. Hattie is now 11 weeks old and a bundle of energy and land shark teeth. She's a mix of hound and APBT and we couldn't love her anymore if we tried. Banx only took a day or two to adjust and now the two play like it's Monday Night Raw everyday, yes, I just made a wrestling comparison.

A ton has happened these past few months and I'm sure I've left a ton out, so again, I'll attempt to be better at this blogging thing, and thanks Autumn, for the reminder that it's okay to not update all the time!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Shame on me...

It's been over a month since I blogged last. That's awful! Well, in July we celebrated the 4th at home snuggled on the couch watching movies, we celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary with a delicious meal at 131 Main (Hunky Hubby surprised me with our cake topped with our topper, he's such a keeper), and I hit my first plateau weight wise.

July was hard for some reason, my willpower was down and my taste buds were working against me. While I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose either. So, I've started back at week one. Today was the first day and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I also spent the evening at my first yoga class. A girlfriend from highschool is an instructor at a hot yoga studio and it was amazing! She told me that no matter how much you weigh, yoga is good. You do what you can and work into the rest. I took her Long Slow Deep class and it was fabulous! I sweat my butt off and unloaded a ton of stress, it was perfect and just what I needed to start off August.

Promise to blog more this month...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skinny Cocktails

It's summertime, my absolutley favorite time of the year! With my new outlook on life and being healthy, my Mom shared with me this great article on summertime skinny cocktails. After all, when you're having a cookout, nothing is better than the men at the grill and the girls sipping cocktails playing catchup.

I haven't tried the recipes yet, but they seem absolutley delicious!

Here's my PSA: Just remember, don't drink and drive!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Checked in...

This morning I had my 6 week follow up with Dr. Bauer, since March 24th, I have lost a total of 35 pounds fully clothed and 38 pounds in my birthday suit. I lost 12 lbs in the past 6 weeks and so I DON'T have to start back at week one (thank goodness!). I get to continue on my healthy lifestyle choice eating for another 6 weeks and then we'll see what happens.

3 years ago I was working with Medi Weightloss Clinics and lost 60 pounds in slightly over 4 months, Dr. Bauer brought this up and I told him that the pace I'm going at is fine with me. I don't want to gain it back this time, I want to do it the right way and not starve myself or depend on appetite suppressants forever. I think he was a little concerned that I was okay with only losing 2 pounds a week, but he didn't say so.

My plan now is to keep doing what I'm doing, work out 5/6 days a week for an hour, but to also eat more salads and less whole grain/whole wheat products. I'm also working on not taking the appetite suppresant every day. Dr. Bauer and I agreed that it should be an "emergency use only" after this next 6 weeks, but to start weening myself off of it now.

35 pounds down, 100 to go and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Take a hike

On Memorial Day, Daniel and I headed to a hidden hiking gem in Lancaster/Kershaw, South Carolina. It's called the Forty Acre Rock Heritage Preserve. The day was hot and humid, we were prepared with bug repellent and hydration packs. Daniel is an avid mountain biker and it used to climbing, outdoor heat and the like. I am used to Zumba inside on flat floor with a fan and air conditioning. The hike wasn't too challenging, but getting used to breathing outside was. The hot moist air had me panting harder than a dog in summer. We were drenched with sweat and it was wonderful! The hike provided a beautiful "waterfall", a creek to walk beside and the pièce de résistance, the GIANT rock at the top, no not a boulder, not a mountain, but a rock covering 14 acres. We had read reviews that the rock was covered in graffiti and trash, there was graffiti, but it was not horrible. It was still beautiful. The hike was 5 miles and took us around 2 hours, not too shabby.

We took a few photos at the top...

The graffiti and a beautiful view

Natural trees and moss islands on top

View from the top

Me at the top enjoying a little slice of shade

Daniel walking around

I did take a break on the way up and sat down in the shade for a bit and just enjoyed the surroundings. I'm amazed that we had never heard of this place, but I'm glad we found it and it's not too far from home. We'll definitely go back.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just thought I'd share

Today I was reading comments about the new "food plate" instead of the "food pyramid" and one comment really stuck out to me. "It's not about skinny or fat, it's about healthy." Looking back, I think most of my life has been focused on being skinny or fat, not just healthy. Now, my focus has changed and this comment really solidified what my new outlook is on my body. I'm more concerned about what I put in my body and the amounts, I'm more concerned about making sure I get more fruits and veggies than anything else, I'd rather drink seltzer water than a soda any day. Healthy, not skinny, not fat, just healthy. I like that.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Do you know what's REALLY fun?

Getting RID of clothes that are too big!
 Of course, they have all been sorted and donated.

So, I'm now down three pants sizes and one shirt size (height has a lot to do with the shirts, don't need to wear a belly shirt to work). That's pretty exciting.

Don't forget, I'm doing all of this through a medically supervised weight loss. No celebrity endorsed diets or magic pills here. It's working out and eating right that make the difference. Less intake, more output!! And, I can't wait to start the "Couch to 5k" program this fall. I'd like to get another 30 pounds off before I start to make it easier on the joints, ligaments and bones. I'm excited about being healthy and the changes we've made in our house. Now, if healthy food was just cheaper that would be great!!

Goodbye big clothes, hello healthy me!!